What Is The Role Of A Bankruptcy Attorney?

At Valerie G. Long, Attorney at Law, we are legal professionals who have practiced bankruptcy law for nearly two decades. We make it a priority to work closely with clients throughout the entire bankruptcy process, keeping them well informed at every step...Read More

Can I Sell Things Before Filing Bankruptcy In Georgia?

While you can sell things, it’s advisable to speak with an attorney before doing so. Any transfers prior to filing bankruptcy must be disclosed in the petition, which can raise a red flag. It’s not as big of a deal if you receive fair market value; for example, if you sell your home for fair market value and then file bankruptcy, it will be disclosed in the petition showing the home sold for actual value. Speak with an attorney before selling items for less than value or selling items to family members prior to filing bankruptcy...Read More

How Long After Filing Bankruptcy Could I Qualify For A Mortgage Or A Car Loan?

We have helped people buy cars and homes immediately after filing, but the time for qualifying for a loan depends on each individual case. As a general rule, you need a pretty consistent work history and a credit score of around 640 to qualify for a mortgage these days. Depending on the economy, those qualifications can change month to month...Read More

Filing for Bankruptcy in Columbus, Georgia? Perhaps We Can Help.

At Valerie Long, Attorney at Law, we specialize in bankruptcy law. An Experienced Bankruptcy Lawyer can answer all your questions and guide you in finding the right plan to alleviate that mountain of debt you cannot seem to get out of... Read More

The Arrival of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the State Shutdowns Sidetracked a Lot of Business and Legal Procedures. What Happened to Your Bankruptcy and Family Law Cases That Were Already Initiated? What About Upcoming Cases?

Bankruptcy filings have slowed somewhat due to government regulations placing a hold on foreclosures and evictions in some cases. Employees that aren’t working because of layoffs don’t have a paycheck that can be garnished. I have no doubt that when people get back to work, creditors will resume collection activities and we will be ready to help...Read more

How Many Chapters Of Bankruptcy Are There In Georgia And Which One Do I File?

There are four federal chapters of bankruptcy, all with the same goal of relieving debt for either overwhelmed individuals or businesses. The options that exist for people and companies who seek to file bankruptcy can be complex and difficult to grasp on your own. They should always be explored with the expert help of your Columbus, Georgia bankruptcy attorney…Read more

In your experience, what are some of the most common reasons people consider bankruptcy?

Common reasons to consider bankruptcy include the loss of a job, a decrease in overtime, divorce, (i.e. going from two incomes to one income) and overwhelming medical bills. For many people who served in the military, the retirement they receive isn’t sufficient to cover their bills, and this too can lead to bankruptcy…Read more

Our Bankruptcy and Debt Relief Solutions Help Families Recover from Financial Stress in Columbus, Georgia and Chattahoochee Valley Area

It doesn’t take long for a financial problem to spiral out of control. Past-due bills, mounting interest, and late-payment fees can chip away at your paychecks until you have nothing left, forcing you to borrow more just to feed your family and keep the lights on. You may even have noticed a drop in your pay after a debt collector was able to garnish your wages, forcing you and your loved ones to survive on even less.

Many people are afraid to consider bankruptcy as a solution to their financial problems. There is a lot of false information about bankruptcy that prevents people from filing in the early days of their debt problems. Some people think that people will know about their financial problems because the bankruptcy proceedings will be made public. Others fear that their employers will find out that they filed for bankruptcy and they could lose their jobs. Like many other negative assumptions about bankruptcy, these things are just not true.

Attorney Valerie Long has been helping people throughout Georgia find debt forgiveness and financial solvency through bankruptcy for over 20 years. Depending on which form of bankruptcy they qualify for, clients can have some or all of their debts cleared permanently, stop foreclosure proceedings on their homes, and pay down their remaining debts through a structured and livable payment plan.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 is a good option for people who have enough income to pay back a large portion of their debts. For these people, reorganization of their finances and forgiveness of some of their debts can allow them to pay bills as well as feed their families. In addition, people who file for Chapter 13 can keep their homes and vehicles as long as the payments on them continue to be made. Chapter 13 almost always requires the help of an attorney in Georgia, since it requires a viable and detailed payment plan that spans three to five years. We can help you draft a payment plan that allows you to retain a livable portion of your wages every month, and put an end to collection calls and repossession notices.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help people who are not making enough income to pay down their debts. This bankruptcy is used to clear unsecured debt, including credit cards, utilities, past-due rent, and medical costs. If you make less than the median income in Georgia, have borrowed money from high-risk lenders (such as local payday loan companies), or have debt totaling over a hundred thousand dollars, you may qualify for Chapter 7. Unlike Chapter 13, people who file for Chapter 7 can have their debts forgiven completely without the need to pay back a portion of the payments they owe. Our legal team can get your debts cleared in a matter of months, and find ways to start rebuilding your credit as soon as possible.

We Have the Experience You Need to Make It Through Your Georgia Bankruptcy Case

We know that talking about your debts can be embarrassing and frustrating for many people. We take pride in helping our clients through debt relief from start to finish, examining all of your options and explaining the process as we go along. After the paperwork is filed, we ensure that any collection attempts and foreclosure proceedings are put on hold until the bankruptcy is complete.

It doesn’t make sense for us to charge a high cost for legal fees when our clients are already in dire straits. That is why we make our legal services affordable to clients throughout Columbus and the surrounding areas, offering reasonable rates for our bankruptcy cases. We also collect no fee for your initial consultation, allowing you to understand all of your options at no cost to you. Call the number on this page or fill out your contact information to make your appointment in our Columbus office today!

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